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Governance at Harborne Academy 2024-25

Harborne Academy Trust

Harborne Academy is a registered company limited by guarantee (Company Number 07310176).  It is also a registered charity.

The Members of the Academy Trust shall comprise:

(a) The Principal Sponsor;

(b) Up to three persons appointed by the Principal Sponsor;
(c) One person appointed by the Secretary of State, in the event that the Secretary of State appoints a person for this purpose;

(d) The Chair of Trustees;

(e) Any person appointed under Article 16.

The members may agree unanimously in writing to appoint such additional Members as they think fit and may unanimously (save that the agreement of the Member(s) to be removed shall not be required) in writing agree to remove any such additional members.

The Articles of Association are in the process of being revised.

Contact: For any queries relating to Governance, please contact:

Clare Baskott – Governance Professional Email:

Full Trust Board (FTB) and committee structure

The FTB (also known as the Board of Directors) is made up of the following:

  • Up to 7 Sponsor Trustees
  • 1 Staff Trustee
  • 1 Parent Trustee
  • Head Teacher (ex-officio)
  • Up to 3 Co-opted Trustees
  • 2 LA Trustees

Full Governing Board membership:

  • Louise Banks -– Co-opted Trustee
  • Deborah Cole – Co-opted Trustee
  • Nakai Dziya – Parent Trustee
  • Veronica Docherty – Sponsor Trustee
  • Tim Graylen – Co-opted Trustee
  • Laura Harris – Staff Trustee
  • Rosina Morris – Sponsor Trustee – Vice Chair of Trustee
  • Sarah Ross – Headteacher
  • Oliver Stokes – Sponsor Trustee
  • Susan Woodward – Sponsor Trustee – Chair of Trustees
  • Fiona Yardley – Sponsor Trustee

The Trust Board meets at least three times each academic year.  In addition, there are two committees; the Finance, Resources, Premises, Audit & Risk Committee and the Quality of Education Committee who meet on a termly basis.  Broader issues are discussed and agreed at the two Committees and both report to the Full Trust Board.  Membership of the committees is broad and based around Trustees’ skills mix.

Finance, Resources, Premises, Audit & Risk Committee (FRPAR)

The Finance & Resources, Premises, Audit & Risk Committee (FRPAR) is responsible for the sound management of the academy’s finances including planning, probity and monitoring.  It also oversees the management of the budget as well as monitoring staffing, estates and Health & Safety.  The Committee oversees the process for providing assurances to the FTB that risks are being adequately identified and managed.  It is responsible for reviewing the risks to internal financial control and agreeing a programme of work that addresses these risks and, so far as is possible, provides assurance to the External Auditor.

Finance & Resources, Premises, Audit & Risk Committee membership:

  • Louise Banks (Chair)
  • Deborah Cole
  • Laura Harris
  • Rosina Morris
  • Fiona Yardley
  • Sarah Ross (in attendance)
  • Susan Woodward

The Quality of Education Committee

The Quality of Education Committee is responsible for reviewing the curriculum and ensuring that the both the academic and wider curriculum offer reflects the school values.  The Committee monitor and evaluate students’ performance and takes into consideration recommendations relating to teaching and learning from external reviews of the school and ensures an appropriate plan is in place to act on any recommendations.

Quality of Education Committee membership:

  • Veronica Docherty (Chair)
  • Nakai Dziya
  • Rosina Morris
  • Sarah Ross
  • Oliver Stokes
  • Susan Woodward 

Additional Trustee Involvement

Keeping in touch sessions for Trustees (KITs)

Throughout the year, there is a planned calendar of “Keeping in Touch” sessions (KITs) for Trustees whereby they are provided with a briefing or update on a particular topic that is either of national or local relevance or specific to the academy. 

Link Trustee Scheme

Trustees are linked with specific areas within the academy to enable them to see the academy in action and to enable staff to get to know the Trustees.

Designated Trustees V2


Page Downloads Date  
Register of attendance at trustee meetin... 24th Jan 2024 Download
Harborne Academy Governors List 2023 24 28th Feb 2024 Download
Full Trust Board Calendar 2024 25 16th Jul 2024 Download
@@HarborneAcademy05:21 PM - 19th July, 2024 To see what’s been happening at the Academy, please read our weekly newsletter via the link below or from our website.Read more
@@HarborneAcademy12:22 PM - 19th July, 2024
@@HarborneAcademy12:21 PM - 19th July, 2024 Fantastic!
@@HarborneAcademy12:17 PM - 19th July, 2024 The end of another school year. We hope you all have a lovely and restful break!
@@HarborneAcademy08:14 AM - 19th July, 2024 An amazing experience at Geek Retreat for our dedicated dungeoneers!
@@HarborneAcademy07:50 AM - 19th July, 2024 Summer Fair 2024#hangingchallenge
@@HarborneAcademy09:54 AM - 18th July, 2024 Yesterday, our 8 finalists went head-to-head in the final! The student’s spelling was phenomenal but there could only be one Champion.Well done to Amir in year 10!(special mention to Aamina in year 7 who spelt antidisestablishmentarianism like it was a three-letter word!)
@@HarborneAcademy02:21 PM - 17th July, 2024 As a thank you for her great work supporting the WW1 Battlefields Tour of Belgium and France, Year 9’s Tanishka has been rewarded with a signed copy of Martin Impey’s incredible illustrated book of the Wilfred Owen poem, Dulce et Decorum Est. Well done, Tanishka!
@@HarborneAcademy12:36 PM - 17th July, 2024 Good luck to our students who are at Newman University to deliver their project to Birmingham Civic Society for the Next Generation Awards semi-finals.
@@HarborneAcademy09:25 AM - 17th July, 2024 We're delighted to have achieved the National School Attendance Award. This is a real testament to our supportive staff and dedicated students. Well done to everyone!
@@HarborneAcademy08:49 AM - 17th July, 2024 Harborne students recently performed in the Birmingham Hippodrome Musical Theatre School’s wonderful production of Dreamland.Well done to Jasmin, Dani, Tianna, Emma, Otis and Tegan. We’re so proud of you!
@@HarborneAcademy08:40 AM - 17th July, 2024 What a fantastic atmosphere at our Sports Day! You all competed brilliantly. Well done to Boulton who walked away with the winning house trophy!
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