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Times of the School Day

Times of the school day

The school day runs from 8:45am to 3:15pm, Monday to Friday.



The school gates are open from 7.45am and students are welcome to use the library, canteen, sports hall or playground (weather dependent) in the mornings before registration. Free bagels and cereal are available from the canteen or other breakfast items are available for purchase.

Break and Lunch

Students can choose from our daily selection in the cafeteria at lunch and break time, or they can bring their own packed lunch. Please note we are a nut aware school, students should not bring nut products into school and fizzy, sports and energy drinks are not allowed. Students must stay on the school site at all times. Harborne uses cashless catering and ParentPay to electronically add money to each individual students account. We do accept cash at pay point machines in the canteen.

Extra-Curricular Activities

Extra-curricular activities and targeted academic interventions run at lunch times and after school. Please see here for more information: Enrichment Page


As per our Culture for Learning Policy we run detentions after school. These detentions are 30 minutes, one hour or occasionally two hours. You will be notified if your child has a detention before 2.30pm, via text message. Please ensure you notify us of any changes to your phone number or email address.

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