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Year 11



Ms R Thomas
Head of Year


Mr S Gordon
Assistant Head of Year


Mrs R Mal
SLT Link (Assistant Headteacher)

Form Tutors

11B - Ms C. Hedges

11R - Miss S. Jamieson

11C - Miss G. Burgess

11Z - Ms S. Begum


I am incredibly excited to continue my role of Head of Year with my current students going into Year 11. This will be my 4th consecutive year with them and their final year at secondary school that prepares students for GCSEs & their next steps to further education. 

Having witnessed the excellent progression that the cohort has made since Year 8, We expect students to keep trying, improving, and never give up, as there is still time to achieve their goals. 

During this time, my team understands the support needed to tackle the pressures, challenges, and emotions associated with mocks, GCSEs, applying for the next steps, and being ready to become semi-independent adolescent teens. This is why regular careers meetings, PSHE days to address stress & anxiety, and interventions that concentrate on the best ways to revise & retain information have all been built into the curriculum for the support of the students. Along with assemblies that are tailored to allow students to understand what routes are available to them in further education and how those routes can be tailored to their needs. We continue to work towards helping our students to build and gain the skills they need to overcome and address all obstacles.  

Attendance & punctuality have been proven to increase results for students. Being at school and being ready to learn helps to make progress in a child’s learning. It’s vital for parents/ carers to engage more to support students and staff to help motivate their children. 

After all the exams are over, I am so looking forward to celebrating with Year 11 at their leaving assembly & prom knowing that as a team we have worked tirelessly to ensure that all students have been given the opportunity to thrive through their school life. Thanks to the high-quality teaching, enrichment & activities to promote learning that has been provided to them. At the end of the year, we will not be saying goodbye but, well done, keep in touch & we are proud of you. 

Ms Thomas

Please click the tabs below to expand for more information

Contacting the Team

If you have any questions or concerns about your child, please don’t hesitate to contact a member of the Year 11 team by leaving a message with Reception or by emailing our enquiry address with, for example, ‘FAO Ms Thomas’ as the subject.

We aim to respond to phone calls & emails as quickly as possible, & certainly within 48 hours. Please bear in mind that members of staff may have a day of teaching & may not be able to respond to non-urgent matters until the end of the Academy day or the following Academy day.

          By telephone:      0121-464 2737 (main school switchboard)
          By email:    

Home Learning & Revision

To support your child with home learning & revision – click here


In Year 11, students will have several careers meetings with Mrs Fawkes discussing next steps into further education and aspirations of students. Click here for our careers page.

Inspirational Quotes

  • “Nothing will work unless you do.” Maya Angelou
  • “Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.” Winston Churchill
  • “Your time is limited, don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma, which is living the result of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinion drowned your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition, they somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.” Steve Jobs

Head Students 2023


Left to right: Shanya Mardan, Anish Kanda, Ria Sahota, Dami Ryu.

Student Council

Student CouncilStudentCouncil

The Student Council meets with Senior Leaders of the School on a weekly basis to share suggestions, questions & concerns with them. Students are encouraged to share their ideas with the representatives of their year group.

The representatives of the Student Council are:

To be announced.

Extra Curriculum Intervention

Y11 After School Revision Spring Term

*If you would like your child to be invited, please speak to the Year 11 team
** More intervention will be offered later in the year

GCSE Information

Please see the PDF file attached at the bottom of this page for a timetable detailing the dates of the exams.

Examination Arrangements Letter

Dear Parent / Carer,

I am writing to share the remaining GCSE times with you:

Monday 3rd June

Maths Paper 2 (am)

Russian Listening & Reading (pm)

Tuesday 4th June History Paper 2 (pm)
Wednesday 5th June

Geography Paper 2 (am)

GCSE Business Paper 2 (pm)

Thursday 6th June English Language Paper 2 (am
Friday 7th June Biology Paper 2 (pm)
Monday 10th June

Maths Paper 3 (am)

iMedia – R093 (pm)

Tuesday 11th June Chemistry Paper 2 (am)
Wednesday 12th June

English Functional skills (am)

Portuguese Listening & Reading (pm)

Thursday 13th June No exams
Friday 14th June

Geography paper 3 (am)

Physics Paper 2 (pm)

Tuesday 18th June Product design (am)

Starting examinations

Students need to arrive to the academy on time for registration at 8.35am. The canteen serves breakfast from 7.45am and the library will be open daily before school for private revision. We have a published examination start time of 9.00am for morning exams and 1.00pm for afternoon examinations. All students need to be registered and seated correctly before the examinations can start so it is essential they are on time.

Prohibited items as per the JCQ regulations

The following items are not permitted in the examination hall:

  • Mobile phones
  • Watches of any type
  • Air pods
  • Mirrors
  • Technological or web enable devices.
  • Revision or subject related materials

The academy has the resources to collect and safely store the items listed above for the duration of examinations. If students do not want to hand their phone and/or watches in for safe storage it is advised, they leave them at home. Please could you also support the academy by ensuring that blazers are free from paper and revision materials.

If a phone is found on students during this time it will be confiscated and kept at the academy for the duration of the exam season.

Exam Stress

Your child may feel anxious and stressed during the exam period and to help them we have support available on site. Each morning before their examinations the library will be open for students to revise or talk to staff. Mrs Piddock or Miss Fetwi will be available to support students.

Links can be found on the academy website that can be used to support students and their families through the examination season. Young Minds have a series of support pages aimed to help with exam stress and anxiety.

Examinations and revision lessons

To support our students throughout the last two weeks of examinations we will have revision sessions in place, lunch will also be available for students who are entitled to free school meals.

Monday 3rd June English revision 11:20-12:20 – Ms Anthrobus / Miss Day
Tuesday 4th June

History revision 11:20-13:00 – Miss Thomas

Science 12:20-13:20 – Science team

Wednesday 5th June

GCSE Business 9:00-10:00 Mr Mahmood

Combined Science (Biology) 10:00 -11:00 Mrs Mal

Thursday 6th June Combined Science (Biology) 11:20 -12:20 Mrs Mal
Friday 7th June

Combined Science (Biology) 9:00 -10:00 Mrs Mal

Triple Biology 9:00 -10:00 Mrs Ward

Maths 10:00-11:00 Mr Samra

Monday 10th June Combined Science (Chemistry) – 10:30 - 11:30 Mrs Mal
Tuesday 11th June Geography paper 3 – 10:30 -11:30 Mr Caines
Wednesday 12th June

Geography paper 3 – 9:00 -10:00 Mr Caines

Combined Science (Physics) – 10:30-11:30 Mrs Mal

Thursday 13th June Combined Science (Physics) – 10:00-12:00 Mrs Mal /Mr Samra/ Mr Keelan

Medical appointments and college interviews

Please can you ensure that any medical appointments are made around examinations as they cannot be taken at any other time.

Please ensure that your child has applied for sixth forms and colleges and no interviews take place during the exam series.

Results Day

Finally, just a reminder, that GCSE results day is Thursday 22nd August, from 9am-12pm, however if your child cannot collect their results, please let us know in advance and we can email or post these out to you. Any results not collected on the day will automatically be posted home to students.

Please support your child with their revision and do not hesitate to contact me at if you have any queries or questions regarding your child’s next steps.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all again for your support to ensure we achieve the best results possible for your child. Year 11’s have followed examinations rules and have been attending on time. Please ensure this continues and if any contact details have changed or you have moved, please notify the academy, as we will need up-to-date details for certificates to be collected in October too.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs Mal

Assistant Headteacher - Impact


Page Downloads Date  
Y11 After School Revision Spring Term 18th Jan 2024 Download
GCSE Mock Exams Timetable 2024 18th Jan 2024 Download
Year 11 exam letter June 29th May 2024 Download
GCSE Timetable 2024 18th Jan 2024 Download
@@HarborneAcademy05:21 PM - 19th July, 2024 To see what’s been happening at the Academy, please read our weekly newsletter via the link below or from our website.Read more
@@HarborneAcademy12:22 PM - 19th July, 2024
@@HarborneAcademy12:21 PM - 19th July, 2024 Fantastic!
@@HarborneAcademy12:17 PM - 19th July, 2024 The end of another school year. We hope you all have a lovely and restful break!
@@HarborneAcademy08:14 AM - 19th July, 2024 An amazing experience at Geek Retreat for our dedicated dungeoneers!
@@HarborneAcademy07:50 AM - 19th July, 2024 Summer Fair 2024#hangingchallenge
@@HarborneAcademy09:54 AM - 18th July, 2024 Yesterday, our 8 finalists went head-to-head in the final! The student’s spelling was phenomenal but there could only be one Champion.Well done to Amir in year 10!(special mention to Aamina in year 7 who spelt antidisestablishmentarianism like it was a three-letter word!)
@@HarborneAcademy02:21 PM - 17th July, 2024 As a thank you for her great work supporting the WW1 Battlefields Tour of Belgium and France, Year 9’s Tanishka has been rewarded with a signed copy of Martin Impey’s incredible illustrated book of the Wilfred Owen poem, Dulce et Decorum Est. Well done, Tanishka!
@@HarborneAcademy12:36 PM - 17th July, 2024 Good luck to our students who are at Newman University to deliver their project to Birmingham Civic Society for the Next Generation Awards semi-finals.
@@HarborneAcademy09:25 AM - 17th July, 2024 We're delighted to have achieved the National School Attendance Award. This is a real testament to our supportive staff and dedicated students. Well done to everyone!
@@HarborneAcademy08:49 AM - 17th July, 2024 Harborne students recently performed in the Birmingham Hippodrome Musical Theatre School’s wonderful production of Dreamland.Well done to Jasmin, Dani, Tianna, Emma, Otis and Tegan. We’re so proud of you!
@@HarborneAcademy08:40 AM - 17th July, 2024 What a fantastic atmosphere at our Sports Day! You all competed brilliantly. Well done to Boulton who walked away with the winning house trophy!
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