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Year 7



Mr D Challender
Head of Year


Mr V Tyser
Assistant Head of Year

Man silhouette

Mr A Farrell
SLT Link (Assistant Headteacher)

Form Tutors

7B - Mr A. Rehman

7R - Mrs A. Brookes

7C - Mrs M. Stewart

7Z - Mrs M. Liang


In Year 7, we pride ourselves on the care and attention that we provide for our students. Transition is a nerve-racking time, for both students and parents, but at Harborne Academy, we work tirelessly to provide a smooth transition, with an outstanding provision, within our Year 7 Curriculum and Pastoral Team. Our students love coming to school which shows in our attendance. For the past two years, our Year 7 headline figure has been above national average whilst our recent student survey revealed that 100% of those asked either strongly agreed or agreed with the statement ‘I enjoy coming to school’. With a variety of subjects, trips and experiences, Year 7 is certainly an exciting year with plenty for your child to look forward to. We look forward to welcoming your child to our Year 7 Harborne family.

Mr Challender

Please click the tabs below to expand for more information

Contacting the Team

If you have any questions or concerns about your child, please don’t hesitate to contact a member of the Year 7 team by leaving a message with Reception or by emailing our enquiry address with, for example, ‘FAO Mr Challender’ as the subject.

We aim to respond to phone calls and emails as quickly as possible, and certainly within 48 hours. Please bear in mind that members of staff may have a day of teaching and may not be able to respond to non-urgent matters until the end of the Academy day or the following Academy day.

          By telephone:      0121-464 2737 (main school switchboard)

          By email:    

Year 7 Quotes

Our students are deeply proud of the school they attend – just see for yourselves:

  • “Harborne Academy is a place where you can always feel safe and welcome.” Karina
  • “Year 7 is really fun. Our English Plus lessons are great because we have lots of art and history in our lessons. We have lots of nice people that you can get along with and there are lots of extra-curricular activities for you to do.”
  • “Harborne Academy is a wonderful place. Every lesson you can participate in.” Louise
  • “I think that, in Year 7, experience helps me develop creativity and gives me an opportunity to show my true colours.”
  • “PSHE day was a celebration for me!”
  • “I love the fact that in Year 7, I’ve got to go on so many different trips and studied different subjects.”

Attendance & Punctuality

At Harborne Academy we expect students to be present in school every day. They should only be off school if they are very ill. A cough or cold is not a reason to not attend school. We are happy to offer support to overcome barriers to good attendance, please contact Ms Conlon if you have any concerns.

Student Council

StudentcouncilStudent Council Representatives

The Student Council meets with Senior Leaders of the School on a weekly basis to share suggestions, questions & concerns with them. Students are encouraged to share their ideas with the representatives for their year group.

The representatives to the Student Council are:

Ben, Tianna, Muslih, Khalid, Zhekai, Issa, Kavatha

Year 7 Enrichment


@@HarborneAcademy05:21 PM - 19th July, 2024 To see what’s been happening at the Academy, please read our weekly newsletter via the link below or from our website.Read more
@@HarborneAcademy12:22 PM - 19th July, 2024
@@HarborneAcademy12:21 PM - 19th July, 2024 Fantastic!
@@HarborneAcademy12:17 PM - 19th July, 2024 The end of another school year. We hope you all have a lovely and restful break!
@@HarborneAcademy08:14 AM - 19th July, 2024 An amazing experience at Geek Retreat for our dedicated dungeoneers!
@@HarborneAcademy07:50 AM - 19th July, 2024 Summer Fair 2024#hangingchallenge
@@HarborneAcademy09:54 AM - 18th July, 2024 Yesterday, our 8 finalists went head-to-head in the final! The student’s spelling was phenomenal but there could only be one Champion.Well done to Amir in year 10!(special mention to Aamina in year 7 who spelt antidisestablishmentarianism like it was a three-letter word!)
@@HarborneAcademy02:21 PM - 17th July, 2024 As a thank you for her great work supporting the WW1 Battlefields Tour of Belgium and France, Year 9’s Tanishka has been rewarded with a signed copy of Martin Impey’s incredible illustrated book of the Wilfred Owen poem, Dulce et Decorum Est. Well done, Tanishka!
@@HarborneAcademy12:36 PM - 17th July, 2024 Good luck to our students who are at Newman University to deliver their project to Birmingham Civic Society for the Next Generation Awards semi-finals.
@@HarborneAcademy09:25 AM - 17th July, 2024 We're delighted to have achieved the National School Attendance Award. This is a real testament to our supportive staff and dedicated students. Well done to everyone!
@@HarborneAcademy08:49 AM - 17th July, 2024 Harborne students recently performed in the Birmingham Hippodrome Musical Theatre School’s wonderful production of Dreamland.Well done to Jasmin, Dani, Tianna, Emma, Otis and Tegan. We’re so proud of you!
@@HarborneAcademy08:40 AM - 17th July, 2024 What a fantastic atmosphere at our Sports Day! You all competed brilliantly. Well done to Boulton who walked away with the winning house trophy!
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